Pre-School Information

Acrewood Playgroup is an exciting new pre-school, based on the Grosvenor Road. Our staff have over 25 years combined experience working with pre-school children. We will work with your children following the structure of the NI Pre-School Curriculum and ensure that your child has all the essential skills for a smooth transition from Pre-School into Nursery school or Primary school.
Here at Acrewood Playgroup we understand that finding desirable childcare is difficult during these challenging times, so we are striving to work with you to provide with safe and affordable childcare. Our Staff are fully trained on the current Covid-19 Health and Safety Regulations and will be taking all precautionary measures while ensuring your child feels happy and safe in our care.
What we offer:
- Full week placements for children 2 years and 10 months to 4 years
- Morning Session 8:00 am-1:00 pm
Joseph's Centre for the Deaf, 321 Grosvenor Rd, Belfast BT12 4LP Phone: 028 9061 4567